Prepare for Next Week’s Scripture Readings        

Prepare for Next Week’s Scripture Readings 

  • 1st Reading/Primera Lectura: 1 Samuel 26:2,7-9,12-13,22-23 
  • Psalm/Salmo: 103(102:1-2,3-4,8,10,12-13 
  • 2nd Reading/Segunda Lectura: 1 Corinthians (1Corintios) 15:45-49 Gospel/Evangelio: Luke (Lucas) 6:27-38 

Faith Formation News

Classes for Grades K-5

Please take note the new time for all classes is 10:15 to 11:50 a.m. No class February 16; class resumes February 23. – Margaret Essex, Cathecist

Youth Ministry Classes Grades 6-12

Classes will be February 16 and 23. We will have a Retreat Day on Sunday, February 16 from 1 pm to 7:15 pm. Refreshments will be provided. -Edwina Fujimoto, Youth Minister

Adult Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA) 

Want to become Catholic? Want to receive the Sacraments? 

Anyone age 18+ who is curious about the history, rites, and spirituality of Christianity and wants to learn more about the Catholic faith, the development of Sacred Scripture, and/or is thinking of becoming Catholic to delve in-to a deeper relationship with God as an intentional disciple of Jesus Christ. We meet weekly after the 9am Mass on Sunday. 

Rosary Prayer Group Meets After Mass Every Weekday

Everyone is welcome to join! The Rosary is prayed after each weekday Mass at St. Michael’s. We pray for the needs of the parish and special intentions. If you’d like to add someone to the prayer list, please call the office. 

Men of Faith Meet Wednesdays

We invite all men to our weekly scripture sharing every Wednesday from 5:30pm to 6:30pm on the south lanai of our church. Come early to spend time with Christ in Ado-ration, evening prayer and Benediction starting at 5pm. Also, on Wednesday, February 12th, Dr. Scott French will be sharing with the Men of Faith his first of three series of the Miracles of the Holy Eucharist focused on helping men understand the sacredness of the Body and Blood of Christ. 

Young Adult Ministry Gathers Thursdays

The young adult group continues to meet every Thursday at 6pm reading through Searching for and Maintaining Peace. We are almost halfway through the book and will soon be deciding as a group what our next session should be. We have had up to fifteen members join us but attendance has varied each week especially with summer travel. It’s been a great opportunity to come together to discuss the book – each member has something unique to share and teach the other members. It’s a blessing to come together as we walk with Christ. New members are always welcome! For more information, contact Cole or Julie through the office.

Adoration of Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays

“Could you not keep watch for one hour?” (Mark 14:37c) Join our prayer disciples and spend one hour with Jesus on Wednesdays from 7:30am—5pm. For more information or to reserve your hour, contact TJ through the Parish Office. 

Children’s Rosary Club Gathers monthly last Sunday

Our Children’s Rosary Club will meet at the grotto after the 9am Mass on February 23 to pray one decade of the rosary. The Club meets after the 9am mass on the last Sunday of each month. This is a great way for children to recite their prayers and also to start praying together as a family. We will pray one decade of the Rosary at the grotto.

Neighborhood Rosary Inspires Community Prayer 

Display the statue of the Blessed Mother in your home and invite your Catholic neighbors to pray the Rosary with your family. For more information, contact Beth Smith at (760) 212-4533. 

Dates Set for Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekends

All couples planning to receive the Sacrament of Marriage are required to attend a Catholic Engaged Encounter weekend. We are fortunate to host two weekends on our island. St. Joseph in Hilo offers one on February 22 & 23. St. Michael’s will offer one on September 13 & 14. Other weekends are offered on the outer islands. If you are get-ting married, please sign up for one weekend. For a com-plete list of weekends offered on all islands, visit 





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