‘Everything I have is a gift from God’

By Catholic Stewardship Consultants www.CatholicSteward.com Father Lio Faletoi embraces, encourages stewardship at his parish and across the diocese A little over 10 years ago, after the Diocese of Honolulu’s With Grateful Hearts capital campaign, every parish was given the opportunity to focus more intently on stewardship. At the time, Father

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An Evening with Francesca LaRosa

Aloha! Please join us on April 2nd at 7pm for an evening of psalms and eucharistic adoration with Catholic composer & songwriter, Francesca LaRosa at St. Michael’s. If you’re in the Hilo side of the island, join us at Immaculate Heart of Mary in Pāpa’ikou on April 3rd at 7pm. Admission is

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Embracing Stewardship During Lent

Lent, the 40-day season of reflection and preparation leading up to Easter, is a time of spiritual growth, self-examination, and deepening one’s relationship with God. Central to the Lenten experience is the connection to stewardship and recommitting to our commitments of time, talent, and treasure during Lent, so that we

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A Catholic Tradition of Reflection and Renewal: Lā Hāpala Lehu

A solemn day that marks the beginning of Lent, Lā Hāpala Lehu, or Ash Wednesday, holds a special place in the hearts of Catholics worldwide. Rooted in centuries-old traditions, this observance is laden with symbolism and significance, providing a profound opportunity for spiritual reflection and renewal. Ash Wednesday falls 40 days

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Gratefully Celebrating the Completion of Our Grace Parish Center

Seventeen years since the October 2006 earthquake and eight years after the dedication of St. Michael’s Church, the long-awaited Grace Parish Center has been completed! Despite a recession, COVID-19, setbacks, and, at times, frustrations, we are now blessed with facilities that will serve our Catholic community for decades. Construction has

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Feeding the Hungry with Malama Na Keiki

As Catholics, we are called to feed the hungry, especially in our own communities. In the State of Hawai’i, one in six children faces hunger and food insecurity. Here at St. Michael, the Malama Na Keiki ministry has partnered with Holualoa Elementary School — across the street from the Immaculate

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