ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT All are welcome to spend time in the presence of Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. Spending time in meditation, prayer, and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament is an excellent opportunity to experience grace in our lives. Commit to one hour a week or drop in as available to spend quiet time with Jesus. Contact the coordinator or check the bulletin or website for times. Contact: TJ Moses

CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP This ministry is dedicated to the Holy Spirit and organized around prayer, song, and evangelization. The group meets once weekly for two hours and sponsors a bi-monthly Healing Mass. Our primary goal is to offer support and encouragement to one another through the workings of the Holy Spirit. New members are always welcome. Contact: Mary Warren or Monica Choe
CHILDREN’S ROSARY The Children’s Rosary is a prayer group movement that was begun out of love for Our Lady and Her Son. This movement is an effort to begin prayer groups composed of and led by children. We welcome families with children to participate after the 9am Mass on the last Sunday of each month. Contact: Mary Warren
CONSECRATION TO GOD THE FATHER This is a monthly prayer group honoring God Our Father. We pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet followed by the Consecration Prayer to God Our Father. The consecration prayer helps us to acknowledge God as our Eternal Father, to honor Him, and to give Him our commitment to follow His commandments. Contact: Romana Villasenor
RETURN MINISTRY This ministry is inspired by Bishop Robert Barron’s writings and is dedicated to praying for disengaged Catholics to return to the sacraments and the practice of the faith and to support their return and welcome. Stewards are needed to pray with another by phone for the return of specific individuals. Contact: Shirley David or Deacon Sándor Hernández Morales, [email protected]
ROSARY PRAYER GROUP The Rosary is prayed after each weekday Mass at St. Michael. Volunteers are needed to help lead the Rosary. We pray for the needs of the parish and special intentions. Contact: TJ Moses
SEVEN SISTERS APOSTOLATE This prayer group formed out of love for the Church and a desire to act in her hour of need, becoming the first in Hawai ‘ i to join the Seven Sisters Apostolate. The mission of this international group is to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop, for his deeper conformity to Christ. For full information in English or Spanish, visit www.sevensistersapostolate.org. Contact: Sharmayne Naone
TRAVELING ROSARY We pray for the intentions of our St. Michael Parish ’ohana. With the statue of the Blessed Mother in the home, a family/individual prays the Rosary every day for a week. The statue then travels to the next home. Contact: Beth Smith
WAY OF THE CROSS FOR AN END TO TRAFFICKING Each Wednesday at noon, a group prays the Via Crucis (Stations or Way of the Cross) in the church for the safety of all those who are held captive by traffickers for either sex or agricultural work and usually have no way of escaping the status of slavery. The prayers were developed by Bishop Silva and require about 20 minutes of your time. Please join whenever you can. Contact: Karen Unger