For more upcoming events, please visit our events calendar by clicking here.

Change of Sunday Mass Schedule – 2025 

Our New Sunday Mass Schedule started Sunday, January 5. We are combining the afternoon Masses and will celebrate one Mass at 4pm. There will no longer be a 1:30pm Mass. Our Spanish Mass will begin at 12noon. 

40 Days for Life Underway

The Respect Life Committee will begin the 40 Days For Life prayer vigil through Sunday, April 13 in front of St. Michael’s Church. 40 Days For Life is a peaceful prayer vigil to end abortion occurring nationwide and internationally. Sign up online at: www.40 

Join 40 Cans for Lent Campaign 

The Knights of Columbus started their “40 Cans for Lent” campaign on Ash Wednesday. Please consider donating one can for each day of our Lenten season. Donations can be left in the carts near the front entrance. 

Lenten Stations of the Cross on Fridays

Every Friday during Lent, the Stations of the Cross will be prayed at 5pm at St. Michael‘s in English and at 6pm at Immaculate Conception in Spanish. 

Lenten Fish Fry on Fridays  

Come and spend an hour of adoration between 7:30 and 5pm. Then join us for Benediction at 5:00pm. After Benediction, ministries will provide a simple soup supper with bread in the Grace Parish Center. We look forward to seeing you as we come together to embrace the Lenten season. 

Lenten Soup Supper on Wednesdays

Join us for a simple soup supper on Wednesdays. Come and spend an hour of adoration between 7:30 and 5pm. Then join us for Benediction at 5:00pm. Different ministries will provide a simple soup supper with bread in the Grace Parish Center. We will have paper goods available but you are welcome to bring your own soup bowl and spoon. We look forward to seeing you for this simple meal as we come together to embrace the Lenten season. 

Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord March 23

You are invited to join the Annunciation Parish Feast Day on Sunday, March 23 in Waimea. Mass will begin at 11:30am followed by Lunch, Fellowship and Entertainment. RSVP to our St. Michael Parish Office. 

Celebrate Our 10th Year Anniversary – Saturday, March 29 

Celebrate our 10th year anniversary on Saturday, March 29. Mass will be at 10am followed by lunch in the Grace Parish Center. No 7am Mass. Confessions at 9am. 

Grief Recovery Method Program April 2-May 21

The Grief Recovery Method program provides a safe en-vironment for you to look at your old beliefs about coping with loss, which losses continue to affect your life, and take effective actions that will lead you to complete unre-solved emotions that may still be causing you pain. This is an “action-based” program, involves reading and writing assignments outlined in The Grief Recovery Handbook, 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition (book provided). This program is not a drop-in group, and registered partici-pants meet for 8 weekly sessions. There is no cost for this program, but it does require a firm committment and attendance at all sessions, for success in learning to recover from unresolved grief. The 8-week program will be held Wednesdays, April 2 – May 21, 2025, from 10 am-12 noon, at St. Michael the Archangel Parish Center. 

For more information, please see the Grief Recovery Method Overview flyer on the church kiosks. Registration before April 2 is required. To register, contact Suzanne Zaw, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, at (808)339-7980. 

Marriage & Family Life Enrichment Languages of Love April 5

Based on the book, The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, please join us on Saturday, April 5th from 10am to 4pm in the Grace Parish Center. $5 per person registration fee includes light lunch & materials. Open to everyone! For more info and to register see the QR code in the bulletin. 

12-day Pilgrimage to the Philippines July 20-31

Join Bishop Larry Silva and Monsignor Gary Secor on a 12-day pilgrimage to The Philippines from July 20 to 31. There will be an informational meeting on March 22 at 10am available via zoom. For a QR code with the detailed pilgrimage itinerary, please refer to the flyer on the kiosks. 

Two Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekends Set on Big Isle 

All couples planning to receive the Sacrament of Marriage are required to attend a Catholic Engaged Encounter weekend. We are fortunate to host two weekends on our island. St. Joseph in Hilo offered one on February 22 & 23. St. Michael’s will offer one on September 13 & 14. Other weekends are offered on the outer islands. If you are getting married, please sign up for one weekend. For a com-plete list of weekends offered on all islands, visit 

Charismatic Prayer Group Resumes Tuesdays 

The Charismatic Prayer Group has resumed their weekly meetings on Tuesday from 6:30-8pm in the Parish Center. 

Men of Faith Meet Wednesdays

Join fellow men of St. Michael’s to deepen your faith during the Holy Season of Lent. We meet on the South Lanai of Church every Wednesday from 5:30pm to 6:30pm and reflect on the prior Sunday’s scripture readings. Come early to spend time with Christ in Adoration, evening prayer and Benediction starting at 5pm. Reminder: On the last Wednesday of the month, we meet in the Grace Parish Center where we share a potluck dinner. 

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays

“Could you not keep watch for one hour?” (Mark 14:37c) Join our prayer disciples and spend one hour with Jesus on Wednesdays from 7:30am—5pm. For more information or to reserve your hour, contact TJ through the Parish Office. 

Traveling Neighborhood Rosary Inspires Community Prayer

“The Rosary will make virtue and good works flourish, and will obtain for souls the most abundant divine mercies. It will draw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means”. – From Mary’s Promises for Daily Devotion 

Display the statue of the Blessed Mother in your home and invite your Catholic neighbors to pray the Rosary with your family. Contact Beth at (760) 212-4533 for more info. 

 Blind and Visually Impaired Service Meetings

Please help support the newest program for the blind and visually impaired that will be administered by the Ho’opono Services for the Blind Division. Right now this program is only being offered on Oahu. The newly enacted legislation aims to provide support services to the blind and visually impaired individuals on the Neighbor Islands that would help them to integrate well within the communities they reside and provide opportunity where they have access to training to acquire new skills and also assist with barriers that are preventing them from achieving independence and self-sufficiency. There are three virtual meetings scheduled that interested parties can attend via zoom. Agenda items include an overview of the pilot pro-ject, stakeholder questions i.e. what services will be offer-ed, where and how often. You will also have the opportunity to offer your input for any services that you need. 

For more information, please contact Ronald Formata through the Parish Office. 






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