Courtesy of Catholic Stewardship Consultants – Aug/Sept 2023

The most powerful thing we can do is go to Mass — it is where heaven meets earth. It is where we bring ourselves to the Father and, united with Christ in the Holy Spirit, we offer ourselves in a sacrifice of praise. It is where bread and wine become Christ’s literal Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, and through word and sacrament, we are nourished and commissioned to go forth and live the faith. The Mass is the center of our lives as Catholics and the Eucharist is its source and summit!

So, as we begin the 2023-24 year of Faith Formation, we have decided to do so using the Pflaum curriculum, a faith formation program centered on the Sacred Liturgy.

“We used to use this program, and we are excited to go back to it,” says Margaret Essex, Keiki Faith Formation Coordinator. “The Mass and the Eucharist are the central focus of our faith, and we want the children to better understand them. This program uses the liturgical year as a base and goes into detail explaining it on the children’s level. It is a beautiful program.”

Faith Formation for kindergarten through fifth grade age groups will begin on Sept. 17. They will take place at the Grace Parish Center every Sunday after 9 a.m. Mass. If you have not yet registered your children, we encourage you to do so.

“Faith formation is vital in order for our children to understand their faith and take ownership of it,” Margaret says. “It is a lifelong journey that will help them grow in their understanding of Christ and the Church, and commit to living as active Catholics as their lives go on.”

Margaret has been a part of faith formation here at St. Michael the Archangel for about three years. She began as a catechist for our second-grade age group and has served as coordinator since the need arose.

“I have always been geared toward working with kids, and doing so in a faith-formation environment is particularly fruitful,” Margaret says. “It is so rewarding helping the kids grow closer to Christ, watching the lights click on as they understand one thing or another. It is such a positive experience.”

If you are looking for a way to serve the Church and bring keiki closer to Christ, we need you! We are still looking for catechists, particularly for our second and fourth grade age groups. If you are a confirmed, practicing Catholic, with a love for children and our Catholic faith, please consider serving as a catechist with our Faith Formation program! 

For more information, contact Margaret Essex at 909-938-9239. To register your child, contact the parish office at 808-326-7771 or simply stop by to pick up a form. 

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