Being part of a community is an essential component of our spiritual lives. The need for community is even more important for our young adults, who seek answers to their questions and look for like-minded friends. 

The young adults — ages 21 through 35 – of our parish have a new opportunity to find community, learn about the faith, and share together in our Young Adults Group. 

“Our main goal is to create a community that allows us to speak freely of our faith and challenge one another to grow closer to Christ,” says Juliann Hamblin. 

The group meets on Thursdays from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Grace Parish Center. They are currently reading Searching for and Maintaining Peace by Fr. Jacques Philippe. Everyone who attends receives a free copy of the book. 

“Our hope is that this ministry will always remain a Christ-centered community,” Juliann says. “While the topics may change and members ebb and flow, we pray the group will always be just what Christ wants it to be and lead by the Holy Spirit.”

The Young Adults Group began meeting in May 2024 to discuss the faith and share in fellowship with one another. Inspired by the call to be engaged in community like Jesus and His apostles, the group started as a way of gathering together with people from similar walks of life.

“Jesus created and encouraged community with His apostles and we are convinced He wants the same for us,” Juliann says. “He wants us to live in community, to have people who share similar experiences and struggles. This is why we began this group — to gather young adults who care for, encourage, and pray for one another.”

Each meeting kicks off with a time for fellowship, then the group opens in prayer. Then, they read a chapter aloud and discuss the chapter together. After the meeting, the members are all invited out to a nearby restaurant. Anyone is welcome to join at any time, no registration or regular commitment is required.

“You are welcome to come to the Young Adult Group whenever you are able,” Juliann says. “We chose a book that does not need to be read chronologically to make sense. The book is free and available at each meeting. No registration is needed, just come when you can! 

“At this time no volunteers are needed but it is our hope to begin volunteering around the community once the ministry gets more established,” she adds.

Because we need to reach all ages in our parish community, this group plays an important role in the life of our parish, filling a need for those who fall into the age range. 

“While the Young Adult Group aims to serve young adults directly and help them form a community to grow closer to Christ, the group members will naturally feel more comfortable volunteering with other ministries as they develop more friendships with fellow parishioners,” Juliann says.

For more information about the group, contact Cole or Juliann Hamblin through the Parish Office at 808-326-7771 or [email protected].

Diocese of Honolulu Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry:

Courtesy of Catholic Stewardship Consultants
Aug/Sept 2024 Edition

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