Beginning in the United States in 1967, right after the Second Vatican Council, the charismatic renewal movement has continued spreading around the world. Here at St. Michael the Archangel Parish, our own Charismatic Prayer Group’s efforts are supported through the Hawaiʻi  Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service. 

Parishioners Monica and Dr. John Choe were baptized in the Holy Spirit through the charismatic renewal movement more than 40 years ago. John profoundly encountered the Lord, transforming him to live intentionally all for Christ. A few years after Monica was baptized in the Holy Spirit, Monica converted to Catholicism and eagerly pursued God while raising the couple’s six children. 

“The Catholic Church has so much treasure, and I have been praying for more people to recognize and practice these treasures within the Catholic Church,” Monica says. “I have been praying that the Church will be renewed vibrantly, grow, and become filled with many people.”

In November 2023, John and Monica attended the International Charismatic Conference in Rome and felt the call to make the Life in the Spirit seminar more widely available, especially in remote places and among the poor and marginalized. 

At St. Michael’s, we celebrate Eucharistic Holy Hours for Healing and Healing Masses three times a year. In addition, there are prayer meetings held every Tuesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Grace Parish Center.

“During prayer meetings, we have praise and worship, teachings from Fr. Joe Badding, and various Catholic-endorsed teachings such as Unbound,” Monica says. “After the teaching, we have time for sharing, praying for our families, and prayer intentions from the church office, for the nation, and the world.”

Anyone is welcome to come and join. There is a Zoom prayer meeting also taking place every Saturday from 10 to 11 a.m. HST for those who cannot participate in person or who live off-island.

“The fruit of attending prayer meetings has so much impact on personal growth in Christ and renewing our relationship with Jesus,” Monica says. “There is a steadfast commitment to prayer life and an increase in reading Scripture and attending Mass frequently as enthusiastic participants rather than as passive spectators. After being baptized in the Holy Spirit, many people experience an intimate relationship with Jesus. However, just a one-time Baptism or occasional prayer meeting isn’t enough to build us to live in the Spirit or walk with the Holy Spirit. If we don’t push ourselves intentionally to transform ourselves, it may not make any difference.”

“We need to be connected to the Body of Christ, which can continually reinforce us to build up one another because the Holy Spirit works greatly through communal relationship — through the Body of Christ not through the individual,” John adds.

Fr. Joe Badding and Fr. Lio have both been instrumental in helping the efforts of the charismatic prayer group. Their support, guidance, leadership, and prayer have been a huge blessing to all.

Those interested in attending the Life in the Spirit seminar, a Healing Mass or Eucharistic Healing Service may contact Monica Choe at 720-341-3752. Those interested in the Zoom meetings may contact Theresa Norris at 907-205-7192 or [email protected].

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