Articles by: smadmin

Deacon Arrion Rosales-Llantos Reflects on the Call to the Priesthood

On July 1, Arrion Rosales-Llantos was ordained to the transitional diaconate for the Diocese of Honolulu. This exciting step toward the priesthood is a milestone for any seminarian. Currently, he is assigned to Annunciation Catholic Church in Waimea and will remain there until he returns for his last year of seminary formation. “The most memorable moments from my ordination would, without a doubt, be the prostration and the laying on of hands by the bishop,” […]

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Beach Evangelization Ministry: Sharing the Message of Hope

Catholics are always called to share the joy and truth of our faith with those around us. Now that two years of COVID restrictions are finally easing up, parishioner Dr. Scott French is hoping to bring the Good News to both Catholics and non-Catholics alike through the Beach Evangelization Ministry. “Before COVID, I approached Fr. Lio with the idea to combine that with a booth for evangelization, where we could have refreshments and tell people […]

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Debbie and Ed Cunningham Restore the Via Crucis at St. Michael

This past spring, parishioners Debbie and Ed Cunningham generously gave of their time and talent to restore and paint the church’s Stations of the Cross. The Cunninghams initially lived in Kona from August 1998 to December 2001 with their two daughters — who were altar servers at St. Michael — and their son. Currently, they are seasonal parishioners, part of our hānai `ohana, who come to enjoy the warm Hawai`i weather in the winter and […]

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The May Crowning: Celebrating the Coronation of Mary

Courtesy of Catholic Stewardship Consultants For many Catholics, May Crownings of statues or icons of the Blessed Mother have become rites of spring. This annual Marian devotion appropriately takes place near Mother’s Day and ushers in a month during which the Catholic Church pays special homage to Mary as the Queen of Heaven and Mother of God. Generally taking place around the first weekend of the month, May Crownings often involve processions and adorning statues […]

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The Greeters Ministry: Welcoming All to the Celebration of the Mass with Aloha and Ho’okipa

Courtesy of Catholic Stewardship Consultants Now more than ever, in the wake of the isolation brought by COVID restrictions, it is important to welcome parishioners and guests into the church with the aloha that characterizes St. Michael’s Parish. “There has been a loss of connection with the church,” says Jo Anne Fay, a member of the Greeters Ministry here at St. Michael the Archangel. “And we want people to feel the joy, celebration, and closeness […]

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The Wedding Ministry: Joyfully Preparing Couples from Near and Far

from St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish Newsletter — Apr-May 2022by Catholic Stewardship Consultants  Every year, our parish welcomes couples who travel from all over to be married in our beautiful church. After months of planning over the phone, the bride and groom-to-be arrive and are welcomed by Paulette Adams and the Wedding Ministry team: Theresa Hernandez and Frankie Hemby, who assist during the wedding liturgy. The Wedding Ministry serves both parish couples and visiting couples who […]

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The Funeral Ministry: Offering Compassion and Aloha at a Difficult Time

When a loved one dies, planning for the funeral can be a daunting task for the family. However, here at St. Michael Parish, our Funeral Ministry is prepared to take the `ohana into their care to help them make the decisions necessary at this time. Ministry coordinator Aunty Caroline K. Smith has been involved in this service for more than eight years. Besides herself, there are eight ministry members. Their service begins when the family […]

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The Return Ministry: Prayer Group Formed to Bring People Back to Catholic Faith

from St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish Newsletter — Mar /Apr 2022by Catholic Stewardship Consultants The statistics are disheartening. The St. Michael Pastoral Council recently read the book, Return: How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church, by Brandon Vogt. Shirley David gave one to each member asa summer reading gift. After reading and discussing the book, Pastoral Council members each decided to start praying for someone specific who had become disengaged with the Catholic Church. […]

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Entering into Kalema (Lent)

from St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish Newsletter — Mar /Apr 2022by Catholic Stewardship Consultants Entering into Kalema:  How We Can Make the Most of the Sacred Season of Lent How might we make the most of this solemn, sacred season? There are three main aspects to Lent in which the Church asks us to engage — prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We don’t need to take on many things in order to make this season worthwhile, but […]

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Moms and Tots Ministry: Helping Parents Make Ends Meet

In her work with Early Head Start, a federally-funded family support program, parishioner Thelma Bacxa has seen the immediate needs of many families here on the Hawai`i Island. Due to her expertise in this area, she is an invaluable resource for our parish Moms and Tots Ministry, which serves these families in need.  “I got involved in the ministry because of the work I do — Monday through Friday, my job is to work with […]

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