Our Youth Ministry includes Middle School youth (Grades 6 – 8) and High School youth (Grades 9-12).

Comprehensive Youth Ministry at St. Michael’s Parish calls on the community to respond to the needs of our young people. It encourages the sharing of the unique gifts of our youth with the larger community. Our Youth Ministry serves Middle School and High School young people through youth-focused events such as Youth Meeting Nights, service projects, and retreats. Our teens should always feel at home at St. Michael, their parish community, as they actively participate in their Churchʻs life.

For now, under the umbrella of our High School Youth Ministry, is the preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. This will continue until our parish concludes the diocesan plan to re-establish the original order of the sacraments of initiation (which means that keiki receive the Sacrament of Confirmation before receiving First Holy Communion – when they become fully initiated Catholics).

Middle School Youth Ministry (Grades 6 – 8)

Please contact:

High School Youth Ministry (Grades 9 – 12)

Please contact:

Please complete this online registration form below to register. Be sure that a parent or guardian electronically sign both the registration information section and the Safe Environment permission section. As an alternative, you may also click on the appropriate link below, download the PDF registration form, complete and sign it, and return it to the parish office.

REGISTRATION FORMS (in fillable PDFs):  English | Español