Stewardship of Treasure 

March 10-16, 2025 

ONLINE GIVING: $2,905.00



Parish Center Update 

We have collected $5,769,185.99 for the Grace Parish Center Campaign, which includes pledge payments. Mahalo for your continued generosity. 

Don’t Forget to Turn in Your Commitment Card

If you haven’t returned your Commitment Card, it is NOT too late. Please take this opportunity to discern how God is calling you to grow closer to Him.

Online Giving Availability

St. Michael’s Church provides Online Giving—a convenient and safe way to make a one-time or recurring donation. Getting started is easy – visit and click our ONLINE GIVING tab. Your gift will be securely transferred directly to the parish bank account. Mahalo!

Recognition Wall in the Works

We have been blessed with the generosity of our parishioners and donors in the rebuilding of our church campus after the 2006 earthquake. We recognize all the time, talent, and treasure that continues to be shared making our new buildings possible. While space limitations do not allow for us to recognize all of our donors, we have created a recognition wall for donors who have shared their treasure over the past 12 years totaling $5,000 or more. 

The recognition wall located on the walls near the front entrance is a work in progress and will be updated periodically to reflect the continued support of our donors. If you would like to check your total donations to date or have questions, please text or call Don at 808-756-6912. Mahalo to all who have made St. Michael the Archangel Church and Grace Parish Center possible.