ALTAR SERVERS MINISTRY Children and adults are trained to serve at the altar by seamlessly assisting priests and deacons in the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy of the Church. Altar servers are scheduled to serve for Sunday and daily Mass and other parish liturgical celebrations. Contact: Ivan Toguchi
ENVIRONMENT — CHURCH CLEANERS MINISTRY Volunteers are always needed to use their time and talent to keep the Lord’s House clean and beautiful. A complete cleaning is done each week at St. Michael’s on Saturday morning from 7:30 to 9 a.m. and Monday at 6 p.m. Contact: TJ Moses or Renee-Mae Ota
ENVIRONMENT- FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS MINISTRY This team works to transform our church environment, drawing us into the festive, solemn, or penitential nature of the different liturgical seasons. Contact: Editha Greer
ENVIRONMENT — DECORATIONS MINISTRY Decorations are added to the church to make special times like Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe into vibrant celebrations to give glory to the Lord. Contact: Fr. Lio Faletoi
ENVIRONMENT — GREENERY MINISTRY Volunteers maintain plants and flowers in the church building and on the lānai. This includes potting, moving plants, watering, etc. to create a sense of place that enhances the prayer experience and gives glory to God. Contact: Beth Bartell
ENVIRONMENT — GROUNDS BEAUTIFICATION MINISTRY Volunteers are always needed to help maintain the parish grounds — mostly at St. Michael, Immaculate Conception, and Holy Rosary. Care is given to trees, shrubs, flowers, and the lawn while keeping the environment very neat and clean to show our love and respect for God. Contact: Scott Unger
ENVIRONMENT — LINENS MINISTRY Volunteers ensure that banners, altar cloths and linens at St. Michael’s reflect liturgical seasons and religious celebrations by changing them when appropriate. Contact: Bonnie Miki
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Extraordinary Ministers (ages 16 and over) are approved and commissioned by the pastor before beginning to serve and are specially trained to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass with reverence and respect. Those serving must be fully initiated Latin Rite Catholics (Roman Church) who are living in compliance with the standards of the Catholic Church. Contact: Debbie Gallo
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOSPITALIZED, HOMEBOUND, AND CARE HOMES Extraordinary Ministers are approved and commissioned by the pastor and receive the same training as those who serve at Mass. They are also trained to minister to the sick in places beyond the church. The Church has the responsibility of ensuring proper care of the Eucharist. Only trained and commissioned individuals are authorized to take Holy Communion to relatives, friends, and others, with the express permission of the pastor. Consideration is always given to bringing Holy Communion to the place the Minister is most comfortable. Examples include Kona Community Hospital, a private home, the Life Care Center, the Regency at Hualālai, and independent care homes. We need dedicated, compassionate volunteers. Contact: Frances Vasquez (Hospital), Lynne Hartz (Homebound & Care Homes)
FUNERAL MINISTRY Members of the Funeral Ministry establish the initial connection of the family with the parish. They assist the family in making decisions about the funeral service and they attend the funeral to provide support in meeting the family members’ immediate needs. Contact: Caroline Smith or Louella Branco
GREETERS MINISTRY Ministers stand at the entrances of the church before Mass and special events to welcome parishioners and visitors. Greeters present new visitors with a lei. Contact: Parish Office

HULA MINISTRY The practice of prayer and worship through the sacred gestures of hula is presented at special liturgical celebrations as an expression of Native Hawaiian Catholic spirituality and culture, as sanctioned by Vatican endorsement since 1998 during the pontificate of Pope St. John Paul II. We invite youth (middle/high school age-plus) and adults to join. Church hula is prayer, and thus different from secular hula (that is why we never applaud afterward and instead respond “Amene”). Contact: Anita Okimoto
LECTORS Lectors bring the Living Word of God to the liturgical assembly. Through them, God speaks to the gathered faithful. A person with strong faith, along with knowledge and command of communication skills, can be trained to proclaim the Word of God at Holy Mass with great dignity and reverence. Lectors must be approved and commissioned by the pastor. Contact: Judy Chaput

MUSIC MINISTRY Through liturgical music, music ministers lead the assembly into full and active participation at Holy Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Contact: Walter Bacxa, [email protected]
USHERS MINISTRY Ushers are welcoming ministers who make every parishioner and visitor feel comfortable at the church. They make the environment as free from interruptions as possible. Ushers coordinate the offertory and second collections and expedite the queues for the distribution of Holy Communion. Contact: Chris Guillen
WEDDING MINISTRY After the initial phase of marriage preparation, this team helps the bride and groom with the remaining details of the wedding planning process. They assist with the selection of readings, arranging the liturgical music, and other norms required for a Catholic wedding so the bride and groom may focus on growing closer to God and one another during this special time. Contact: Paulette Adams
MAINTENANCE MINISTRY The volunteers in this ministry possess a variety of technical skills: electrical, plumbing, carpentry, etc. They offer these gifts to do minor repairs in the parish buildings and advise the pastor about ongoing maintenance needs and issues. Contact: Stan Haʻanio
GIFT SHOP MINISTRY Volunteers in this ministry contribute to the aloha of our parish creating a welcoming environment as they assist the Gift Shop manager with operations. Volunteer at least once a month around the Sunday Mass you attend or during the weekday while the Gift Shop is open. Contact: Carolyn Livingston

MEDIA MINISTRY Volunteers manage the parish website and provide content, photos, and videos published on various online and social media platforms in response to the call for the New Evangelization. Contact: Walter Bacxa, [email protected]
OFFICE ASSISTANTS’ MINISTRY Volunteers are always needed to kōkua in the parish office with tasks such as filing, answering phones, taking messages, preparing mailings, folding bulletins, and greeting visitors with aloha. Contact: Janice Lacro or Parish Office, 808-326-7771, [email protected]