Why We Do What We Do at Mass: A Look at the Postures and Gestures During Our Central Act of Catholic Worship The Sacred Liturgy is rich with gestures, postures, and symbols that engage our five senses so that we worship God with our entire being. You are likely familiar with these practices, which include what we see, hear, smell, touch, and taste, as well as our gestures such as sitting, standing, and kneeling during […]
Read MoreArticles by smadmin
Bible Study Provides Opportunities to Grow in Faith and Understanding of Scripture
Bible Study Provides Opportunities to Grow in Faith and Understanding of Scripture: “You Always Learn Something New” It’s common for children and youth to go through Faith Formation and Sacramental Prep classes. But all too often, people stop attending formation opportunities after receiving their sacraments. Our Catholic faith is so deep that we should embrace every opportunity we have to grow in that faith. Hin and Sally Cheung have been leading different Bible study courses […]
Read MoreCoffee and Donuts
Is there any better tradition of fellowship in our church than sharing coffee and donuts after Mass? There is a reason why this opportunity to spend time with our parish community is such a long-storied part of the church. After we come together on Sundays to worship our Lord by celebrating the source and summit of our faith, the Eucharist, we take the time to gather as a community and enjoy each other’s company, share […]
Read MoreThe Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
We dedicate the month of June to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in veneration and in gratitude for His merciful heart and His redeeming love for mankind. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is probably the most widely recognized representation of Christ’s divine love and unwavering compassion for all of humanity. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has been practiced for centuries, and this devotion continues to play an important role in today’s Catholic faith. […]
Read MoreDcn. Craig Camello Reflects On Vocation Journey And Fellowship For Men Of Our Community
from St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish Newsletter — Apr/May 2023 by Catholic Stewardship Consultants The journey to Deacon Craig Camello’s entry into the diaconate has always been a journey bound in faith. And as we enter into the celebration of Easter through the journey of Lent, Deacon Craig is working to organize a spiritual Men’s Group that will enable parish members to grow in their own faith. Deacon Craig tells the story of his journey that […]
Read MoreMeals That Heal Ministry Kau Kau for Kōkua and Aloha in Times of Need
from St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish Newsletter — Apr/May 2023 by Catholic Stewardship Consultants When a friend or family member is going through an overwhelming time in his or her life, we are called to reach out to our loved ones to offer them support. In the same way, we are also called to m ālama those in our parish ʻ ohana who may need our help. The Meals That Heal Ministry provides meals to those […]
Read MoreTraveling Rosary Bringing Many Graces to the Homes of Our Parish ʻOhana
from St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish Newsletter — Apr/May 2023 by Catholic Stewardship Consultants The Rosary is a prayer that developed from a long history with roots going as far back as the third-century Desert Fathers’ prayer ropes, and St. Dominic’s dream in the year 1208. The word rosary refers to a garland of roses and is associated with many heavenly promises. St. Louis de Montfort was a great proponent of the Rosary and he spoke […]
Read MoreUpdate on the Grace Parish Center: Community Looks Forward to Long-Awaited Completion of Project
from St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish Newsletter — Feb-Mar 2023 by Catholic Stewardship Consultants Many longtime members of St. Michael the Archangel will remember talks of constructing a parish center taking place 30-plus years ago. The project has seen many setbacks over the years. Finally, the Grace Parish Center will open after crossing one last hurdle. So far, $3.8 million has been paid toward the $5.5 million project. There were some issues with the flooring this […]
Read MoreMeet Kumu Keoni Jenny: Transforming His Home-Grown Lā`au into Lei of Prayer and Aloha
from St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish Newsletter — Feb-Mar 2023 by Catholic Stewardship Consultants Early Sunday morning, before 7 a.m. English/`Ōlelo Hawai`i Mass, our clergy get a special delivery of beautiful lei made by parishioner, Kumu Keoni Jenny, that will adorn their vestments during the Sacred Liturgy. “I love to do the lei,” Kumu Keoni says. “It’s part of my dedication to the faith. We give our clergy lei to represent not just our aloha for […]
Read MoreSTEWARDSHIP: What to do With a Windfall?
STEWARDSHIP: What to do With a Windfall? from St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish Newsletter — Feb-Mar 2023 by Catholic Stewardship Consultants A businessman sells some property for a nice profit. A woman retires from a 20-year career at age 43. A high school student discovers he has an exceptional talent for playing the piano. What do they have in common? Each person has recently received a windfall — an unusually large gain of money, time, or […]
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