We have many ministries here at St. Michael the Archangel that serve to foster ho’okipa (hospitality), such as the Coffee and Donuts Ministry, the Lei Ministry, and Welcome Committee, to name a few. It’s important to make parishioners and guests alike feel welcome. This is part of our Hawai’i tradition and our Christian tradition. Each person who walks through our doors should know they are welcome, valued, and loved. As parishioners at St. Michael the […]
Read MoreMinistries
An Inside Look at the Charismatic Prayer Group: Renewed by the Holy Spirit
Beginning in the United States in 1967, right after the Second Vatican Council, the charismatic renewal movement has continued spreading around the world. Here at St. Michael the Archangel Parish, our own Charismatic Prayer Group’s efforts are supported through the Hawaiʻi Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service. Parishioners Monica and Dr. John Choe were baptized in the Holy Spirit through the charismatic renewal movement more than 40 years ago. John profoundly encountered the Lord, transforming him to live […]
Read MoreOur Annual Stewardship Renewal: Thanking God for the Blessings He Has Bestowed on Us
When Ben Cuaresma was a child, his mother instilled in him that he should always find a way to help people, and he was encouraged to be an altar server. Now, Ben helps the parish community by serving with our Maintenance Ministry. He is a carpenter by trade, so it’s a good fit. All these years later, Ben tries to instill a heart for service in his grown children. It’s a way to pass on […]
Read MoreThe Respect Life Ministry: Upholding the Sanctity of All Human Life, From Conception to Natural Death
Life is the central element of the entire Gospel message. As Christ tells us in John 10:10, “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” So, as Christian disciples it is our responsibility to defend and champion life — from conception to natural death. “All human life is precious in God’s eyes, and we want to praise and worship God,” says Ed Smialek, coordinator of our parish’s Respect Life Ministry. Ed […]
Read MoreLiving Stewardship Through Parish Hospitality Ministries: A Gift of Time and Talents
Stewardship is not just a one-time act — it’s a way of life for Catholics. It’s about recognizing that everything we have comes from God and using our time, talents, and treasure to serve Him and others. One powerful way to live out this calling is by actively participating in parish hospitality ministries, serving as ushers, greeters, and lectors during the Mass. These roles not only enhance the Mass experience but also allow us to […]
Read MoreExtraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Humbly Sharing the Precious Body and Blood of Our Lord
There are many ways to get involved in the Catholic Mass, from singing in the choir to serving as a lector. As the saying goes, “Many hands make light work.” We need everyone to make our Masses beautiful. One ministry requires its stewards to take the utmost care for their work — the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Of course, the most important part of the Catholic Mass is when attendees receive Jesus’ Body and […]
Read MoreThe Knights of Columbus: A Fraternity of Faithful and Generous Kāne
The Knights of Columbus is a global fraternity of Catholic men who dedicate themselves to serving their parish and community. The brotherhood — which is united by the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity — was initially created by Fr. Michael McGivney to take care of widows and the poor. Today the mission continues through a worldwide network of local councils. Council 13227 calls St. Michael the Archangel home. It is a strong council with […]
Read MoreEnvironment and Linens Ministry: Ensuring the Beauty of Our Worship Space for the Entire Liturgical Year
It takes many stewards, with all kinds of gifts, to keep our church running. Some proclaim the Word as lectors, distribute Holy Communion, or use their musical talents to give glory to God. One ministry that might not be immediately apparent is the Environment and Linens Ministry, which ensures that all of the linens in St. Michael’s reflect the liturgical season. Fr. Lio asked Bonnie Miki to be part of the Environment and Linens Ministry […]
Read MoreAltar Servers Find Great Joy in Sharing Talents with God and Parish at Mass
We know how vital altar servers are in assisting our clergy with the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Altar servers also have a meaningful impact on their own families as they bring them closer together and closer to the liturgy. “The impact that the servers have on their families is priceless,” says Ivan Toguchi. “I enjoy watching how much the servers really look forward to serving Mass. When the servers are […]
Read MoreLector Ministry: Proclaiming God’s Word for All to Hear
St. Paul has much to say in his letter to the Romans about those who bring the Word of God to others — “For ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ But how can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can people […]
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