Ministries Update

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Humbly Sharing the Precious Body and Blood of Our Lord

There are many ways to get involved in the Catholic Mass, from singing in the choir to serving as a lector. As the saying goes, “Many hands make light work.” We need everyone to make our Masses beautiful. One ministry requires its stewards to take the utmost care for their work — the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Of course, the most important part of the Catholic Mass is when attendees receive Jesus’ Body and […]

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Young Adults Group: Building a Fellowship Community Rooted in Christ

Being part of a community is an essential component of our spiritual lives. The need for community is even more important for our young adults, who seek answers to their questions and look for like-minded friends. The young adults — ages 21 through 35 – of our parish have a new opportunity to find community, learn about the faith, and share together in our Young Adults Group. “Our main goal is to create a community […]

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The Knights of Columbus: A Fraternity of Faithful and Generous Kāne

The Knights of Columbus is a global fraternity of Catholic men who dedicate themselves to serving their parish and community. The brotherhood — which is united by the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity — was initially created by Fr. Michael McGivney to take care of widows and the poor. Today the mission continues through a worldwide network of local councils. Council 13227 calls St. Michael the Archangel home. It is a strong council with […]

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Environment and Linens Ministry: Ensuring the Beauty of Our Worship Space for the Entire Liturgical Year

It takes many stewards, with all kinds of gifts, to keep our church running. Some proclaim the Word as lectors, distribute Holy Communion, or use their musical talents to give glory to God.  One ministry that might not be immediately apparent is the Environment and Linens Ministry, which ensures that all of the linens in St. Michael’s reflect the liturgical season.  Fr. Lio asked Bonnie Miki to be part of the Environment and Linens Ministry […]

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Altar Servers Find Great Joy in Sharing Talents with God and Parish at Mass

  We know how vital altar servers are in assisting our clergy with the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Altar servers also have a meaningful impact on their own families as they bring them closer together and closer to the liturgy.  “The impact that the servers have on their families is priceless,” says Ivan Toguchi. “I enjoy watching how much the servers really look forward to serving Mass. When the servers are […]

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Lector Ministry: Proclaiming God’s Word for All to Hear

St. Paul has much to say in his letter to the Romans about those who bring the Word of God to others — “For ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ But how can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can people […]

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Feeding the Hungry with Malama Na Keiki

As Catholics, we are called to feed the hungry, especially in our own communities. In the State of Hawai’i, one in six children faces hunger and food insecurity. Here at St. Michael, the Malama Na Keiki ministry has partnered with Holualoa Elementary School — across the street from the Immaculate Conception mission church — to reach students who are facing hunger. “It’s a Corporal Work of Mercy to feed the hungry, and there is great […]

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Coffee and Donuts

Is there any better tradition of fellowship in our church than sharing coffee and donuts after Mass? There is a reason why this opportunity to spend time with our parish community is such a long-storied part of the church. After we come together on Sundays to worship our Lord by celebrating the source and summit of our faith, the Eucharist, we take the time to gather as a community and enjoy each other’s company, share […]

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Meals That Heal Ministry Kau Kau for Kōkua and Aloha in Times of Need

from St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish Newsletter — Apr/May 2023 by Catholic Stewardship Consultants When a friend or family member is going through an overwhelming time in his or her life, we are called to reach out to our loved ones to offer them support. In the same way, we are also called to m ālama those in our parish ʻ ohana who may need our help. The Meals That Heal Ministry provides meals to those […]

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Traveling Rosary Bringing Many Graces to the Homes of Our Parish ʻOhana

from St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish Newsletter — Apr/May 2023 by Catholic Stewardship Consultants The Rosary is a prayer that developed from a long history with roots going as far back as the third-century Desert Fathers’ prayer ropes, and St. Dominic’s dream in the year 1208. The word rosary refers to a garland of roses and is associated with many heavenly promises. St. Louis de Montfort was a great proponent of the Rosary and he spoke […]

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